Building a solid foundation

I received my degree from the University of Heidelberg’s Institute for Translation and Interpretation in 1988. I then completed an apprenticeship to become a professional wholesale and international trade specialist, an experience that taught me the ins and outs of business. Early in my career I translated content related to the import and export business – an ideal start that provided a solid foundation upon which to start my business down the road. I also worked for two German subsidiaries of French corporations, where I acquired further expertise in the chemical and toy industries.

Specializing in English-to-German

After living and working in the United States for eight years, I feel just as much at home there as I do in Germany. The experience sharpened my intercultural skills and afforded me unique insights into US business and social life. It also gave me a level of comfort with the language that made a career in English-German translations an obvious choice. And my skills in this language pair have a seal of approval. I am certified by the American Translators Association to translate both from English to German and from German to English.

Keeping my finger on the pulse

Relationships and language skills have something in common: they need to be maintained. The best places to meet top professionals and keep pace with the industry are at the international conferences and workshops held by associations like BDÜ and ATA, which I attend regularly.

Finding strength in flexibility

I pride myself on my ability to adapt to the needs and processes of my clients. As a freelance translator, I am able to be flexible and there when you need me. Flexibility also means a willingness to learn and understand my clients and their industries. My translations are sound and well-researched. You’ll be able to put them to use right away.

Associating with professionals

I have been a member of the German Association of Translators and Interpreters (BDÜ) since 2003 and a member of the American Translators Association since 2006, where I am also active member of the ATA School Outreach Committee